Saturday, February 11, 2017

Getting started, Shortcuts, hacks and tricks to Health & Fitness!

         FITNESS is not just an ACTIVITY, It's a LIFESTYLE on it's own.

          Here I have jotted down a few points one must emphasise before starting off with their fitness journey.
  1. Irrespective to what you eat in the initial phase a high intensity physical activity is a must for any type of fitness goal you wish to achieve.
    You will have to incorporate "EXERCISE" as an important part of your life.
    There's no compulsion for you to just go to a gym and hit the weights or do cardio, instead there are a lot more activities that you can do in it's place.
    Activities like outdoor sports, Tennis, Swimming or even Yoga.
    The Duration of these activities should be at-least 30 mins to a maximum of 90 mins.
  2.  As Indians our primary food source is totally inclined towards Carbohydrates.
    Now having more Carbohydrates is not the issue but ignoring the amount of "PROTEIN required on daily basis is a problem".
    Our main constituents of our food are Rice, Roti, Maida, oats, bread, etc.
    When we closely look at them they are all full of Carbohydrates.
    The only source of PROTEIN we take is from dals and vegetables as a "curry" or say "sabji" which is definitely not enough to meet the daily requirements of an average adult in INDIA.
    So, have more PROTEIN in day to day life!
  3. Last but not the least, One of the most important thing you must be focusing on is your SLEEP.
    On an average of 8 hours is a must for youngsters and 7 hours at-least for people who are aged over 40.
 Now that you have read the article, You must have understood that there are "NO shortcuts" to a better health, fitness or lifestyle, there's just pure effort and dedication.

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